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Field Guide to Polarization
商品コード: 9780819458681

Field Guide to Polarization

販売価格(税込) 4,830 円
ポイント: 48 Pt
個  数


Edward Collett
148pages Spiral Bound


日本語版 フィールドガイド 偏光

The polarization of light is one of the most remarkable phenomena in nature and has led to numerous discoveries and applications. The nature and mathematical formulation of unpolarized light and partially polarized light were not readily forthcoming until the 1950s, when questions about polarized light and the mathematical tools to deal with it began to be addressed in earnest. As a result, there is a very good understanding of polarized light today. The primary objective of this Guide is to provide an introduction to the developments in polarized light that have taken place over the past half-century, and present the most salient topics of the subject matter such as Mueller matrices, Stokes polarization parameters, and Jones matrices.  

Sample Pages(PDF)

The Foundations of Polarized Light
  The Ray Theory of Light
  The Polarization of Light
  Malus's Law
  Brewster's Law
The Wave Theory of Light
  Fresnel's Wave Theory
  The Polarization Ellipse
  Degenerate Polarization States
  The Parameters of the Polarization Ellipse
  The Poincaré Sphere
  Degenerate States on the Poincaré Sphere
The Observables of Polarized Light
  The Stokes Polarization Parameters
  Stokes Parameter Relations
  Classical Measurement of the Stokes Parameters
  The Mueller Matrices for Polarizing Components
  Mueller Matrices for Rotated Components
  Mueller Matrix Applications-Malus's Law
  Mueller Matrix Applications-The Optical Shutter
  Mueller Matrix Applications-Stokes Parameters
The Observable Polarization Sphere
  The Observable Polarization Sphere
  Plotting the Quarter-Wave Plate on the OPS
  The Rotating Quarter-Wave Plate
  The Babinet-Soleil Compensator
  Linear and Circular Polarizers
  The Generation of Elliptically Polarized Light
  Measurement Methods of the Stokes Parameters
  The Rotating Quarter-Wave Plate Measurement
  Birefringent Crystals and Wave Plates
Multiple and Zero-Order Wave Plates
Mueller Matrices for Reflection and Transmission
  Mueller Matrices for Reflection and Transmission
  Reflection and Transmission Stokes Parameters
  Reflection and Transmission Mueller Matrices
  Total Internal Reflection
  The Fresnel Rhomb
  Single and Multiple Dielectric Plates
  Pile of Polarizing Dielectric Plates
  Fresnel's Reflection and Transmission Coefficients
Other Polarization Matrix Calculi
  The Jones Matrix Calculus
  Wolf's Coherency Matrix Calculus
Optical Activity and Optical Rotation
  Optical Activity and Optical Rotation
  Faraday Rotation
  Optical Isolators
  Waveplate Depolarizers
  The Lyot Crystal Depolarizer
Polarizing Materials
  Polarizing Prisms
  Characterizing Commercial Polarizers
  Characterizing Polarizer Pairs
  The Transmittance of Polarizers
  The Contrast Ratio of Polarizers
  Wave Plate Materials
Superposition and Decomposition of Polarized Beams
  Incoherent Superposition and Decomposition
  Incoherent Decomposition-Ellipses
Coherent Superposition and Decomposition
The Electro-Optical Effect
  The Electro-Optical Effect - Modulators
  The Pockels Cell
Refractive Index Measurements
  Normal Incidence Refractive Index Measurement
  The Brewster Angle Measurement
  The Incident 45o Method
The Classical Radiation Field
  Maxwell's Equations
  The Radiation Equation and the Stokes Parameters
  The Linear Oscillating Bound Charge
  The Randomly Oscillating Bound Charge
  A Charge Moving in a Circle
  A Charge Moving in a Magnetic Field
  The Classical Zeeman Effect
  Optical Scattering
  Thomson Scattering
  Rayleigh Scattering
The Optics of Metals and Semiconductors
  The Optics of Metals and Semiconductors
  The Refractive Index and Absorption Coefficient
  Normal Incidence Angle Reflectivity
  Non-Normal Incidence Angle Reflectivity
  Complex Reflection Coefficients
  The Principal Angle of Incidence Measurement





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