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The Proper Care of Optics: Cleaning, Handling, Storage, and Shipping
商品コード: 9780819494573

The Proper Care of Optics: Cleaning, Handling, Storage, and Shipping

販売価格(税込) 5,400 円
ポイント: 54 Pt

洋書 > 技術書

出版社別 > SPIE


Robert Schalck
236 pages; Softcover


Sample Pages (PDF)

If you want the best performance from your optics, they need to be properly maintained. This book describes the cleaning, handling, and storage methods used by professional technicians to keep optics in top condition. It is written for a diverse audience, from first-time optical cleaners to assembly technicians and seasoned engineers looking to expand their repertoire. In the lab or in the field, you'll find the right technique to protect your equipment from harm. Reference lists of tools, solvents, and suppliers are provided to help you find solutions quickly.

Sample Pages (PDF)

Chapter 1 Introduction
 1.1 Safety
 1.2 Optical Materials: Glass, Coatings, Plastic, and IR
 1.3 When to Clean
Chapter 2 Cleaning Tools and Work Area
 2.1 Equipment for Cleaning Optics
  2.1.1 Worktable
  2.1.2 Laminar flow bench
  2.1.3 Lighting
  2.1.4 Lighting types
  2.1.5 Compressed air and gas
 2.2 Cleaning Tool List
  2.2.1 Cleaning-tool usage summary
  2.2.2 Soft brushes
  2.2.3 Gloves and finger cots
  2.2.4 Cleaning solvents and materials list
  2.2.5 Solvent dispensers
  2.2.6 Solvents
  2.2.7 Personal protective equipment: gloves, cots, face mask, head cap, and lab coat
 2.3 Applicator Types
  2.3.1 Hand technique for cotton- and foam-tip applicators
  2.3.2 Folding lens tissue
  2.3.3 Hand techniques for folded tissues or wipes
Chapter 3 Inspecting Optics
 3.1 The Inspection Process
  3.1.1 Types of contamination
  3.1.2 Scratch and dig: a history
  3.1.3 Visual method: using the unaided eye
  3.1.4 Using the eye loupe magnifier
  3.1.5 Using a low-power and Nomarski microscope
  3.1.6 Map making: visual and digital methods
  3.1.7 Mirror coating
  3.1.8 Antireflection coating
  3.1.9 Digital microscopes
Chapter 4 Cleaning Techniques for Small and Large Optics
 4.1 Small Optics
 4.2 Inspecting Large Optics
  4.2.1 Large optics: hand-cleaning techniques
  4.2.2 Large lens
  4.2.3 Large mirror
  4.2.4 Large window
  4.2.5 IR optics: transmission and reflective
Chapter 5 Special Cleaning Processes
 5.1 Drag Method
 5.2 Strip-Coating Cleaning
 5.3 Cleaning Plastic Optics
 5.4 Chalk Cleaning
 5.5 CO2 Cleaning
 5.6 Ultrasonic Cleaning
 5.7 Carbon-Tip Cleaning
 5.8 Spin Cleaning
 5.9 Automatic Cleaning System: A Reference
Chapter 6 Cleaning Optical Systems and Instruments
 6.1 Techniques for Instrument Cleaning
  6.1.1 How to view instruments
  6.1.2 Marking methods: identification
  6.1.3 Hand tools for instruments
  6.1.4 Instrument and optical-system cleaning
 6.2 Instrument Windows and View Ports
  6.2.1 Disassembling an instrument
  6.2.2 Refractor telescope
  6.2.3 Reflector telescope
  6.2.4 Catadioptric optical system
  6.2.5 Binoculars and monocular
  6.2.6 Light microscope
  6.2.7 Eyepiece
  6.2.8 Camera: single-lens reflex and video
 6.3 Vehicle and Building Windows: A Reference
  6.3.1 Metal optics
  6.3.2 Covering optical instruments
  6.3.3 Video CCD and CMOS sensor chips
  6.3.4 Cleaning microscope slides
  6.3.5 Eyeglasses: a reference
Chapter 7 Tricks of the Trade
 7.1 Edge Cleaning
  7.1.1 Surface protection
  7.1.2 Wood stick tools
  7.1.3 Soap and detergent
  7.1.4 "Huffing" and skin oil
 7.2 Black Paint and Black Pen Ink for Edge Blackening
  7.2.1 Blackening the edge of a lens, window, or prism
  7.2.2 Painting a nonoptical surface with black paint
  7.2.3 Blackening the edge with a rotating spindle
 7.3 Removing RTV Silicone Rubber
  7.3.1 Removal of cured glue and cement from an optical surface
  7.3.2 Removing aluminum coating with liquid etch: a reference
  7.3.3 Lighthouse lenses: a historical reference
Chapter 8 Handling Optics
 8.1 Tweezers and Hemostats
 8.2 Special Tweezers
 8.3 Suction and Vacuum Cups
 8.4 Using Trays to Handle Optics
 8.5 Storage Box and Cabinet Types
Chapter 9 Protection Methods for Optics
 9.1 Tissue
 9.2 Envelopes
 9.3 Storage Containers
Chapter 10 Storing Optics
 10.1 Short-Term Storage of Optics
 10.2 Long-Term Storage of Optics
Chapter 11 Shipping Optics
 11.1 Cardboard, Plastic, and PET/G Boxes
 11.2 Cardboard Shipping Containers
 11.3 Clamshell Shipping Containers
 11.4 Other Types of Shipping Boxes
Chapter 12 R&D Laboratory Cleaning Kit
Chapter 13 Cleaning Optics in the Field
 13.1 Field Cleaning Kit
 13.2 Field Setup and First Process
 13.3 Outdoor Lighting
 13.4 Field Work Area
Chapter 14 Resources
 14.1 Suppliers of General Cleaning Products
 14.2 Suppliers of Cleaning Tools
 14.3 Suppliers of Storage Items
 14.4 Shipping Suppliers
Quick Cleaning Reference





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