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Field Guide to Optical Fiber Technology
商品コード: 9780819480903

Field Guide to Optical Fiber Technology

販売価格(税込) 4,830 円
ポイント: 48 Pt
個  数


Rüdiger Paschotta
128pages Spiral Bound


This Field Guide describes many different types of fibers and their properties, as well as presents in a compact form the relevant physical foundations. Both passive and active (amplifying) fibers are discussed, and an overview on fiber nonlinearities and the application of active fibers in amplifiers and lasers is included. The large bibliography contains many useful references, covering both pioneering work and later seminal articles and books. This Guide should be very useful for a wide audience, including practitioners in industry as well as researchers.

Sample Pages(PDF)

Glossary of Symbols
Basics of Fibers
  Principle of Waveguiding
  Wave Propagation in Fibers
  Calculation of Fiber Modes
  Decomposition into Modes
  Types of Fiber Modes
  Cladding Modes
  Single-Mode Fibers
  V Number of a Single-Mode Fiber
  Numerical Aperture of a Single-Mode Fiber
  Effective Mode Area
  Multimode Fibers
  Glass Fibers
  Non-Silica Glass Fibers
  Plastic Optical Fibers
  Origins of Propagation Losses
  Losses of Silica Fibers
  Bend Losses
  Chromatic Dispersion
  Birefringence and Polarization Effects
  Polarization-Maintaining Fibers
Nonlinear Effects in Fibers
  Overview on Fiber Nonlinearities
  Effects of the Kerr Nonlinearity
  Self-Phase Modulation
  Numbers on Fiber Nonlinearities
  Soliton Pulses
  Linear Pulse Compression
  Nonlinear Pulse Compression
  Cross-Phase Modulation
  Four-Wave Mixing
  Parametric Amplification
  Raman Scattering
  Brillouin Scattering
Passive Fibers for Data Transmission
  Wavelength Regions for Data Transmission
  Optimization of Telecom Fibers
  Considerations on Chromatic Dispersion
  Dispersion Compensation
  Important Standards for Telecom Fibers
  Polarization Mode Dispersion
Photonic Crystal Fibers
  Introduction to Photonic Crystal Fibers
  Guidance According to Average Refractive Index
  Fibers with Large Air Holes
  Photonic Bandgap Fibers
  Birefringent PCFs
Large Mode Area Fibers
  Large Mode Area Fibers
  Other Solid-Core Fiber Designs
  Photonic Crystal Fiber Designs
Using Passive Optical Fibers
  Tolerances for Low-Loss Fiber Joints
  Launching Light into Single-Mode Fibers
  Preparing Fiber Ends
  Fusion Splicing
  Fiber Connectors
Passive Fiber-Optic Components
  Fiber Couplers
  Fiber Bragg Gratings
  Fiber-Coupled Faraday Isolators
  Fiber Polarization Controllers
Active Fiber Devices
  Rare-Earth-Doped Fibers
  Importance of the Host Glass
  Common Host Glasses
  Double-Clad Fibers
  Pump Absorption in Double-Clad Fibers
  Coreless End Caps
  Amplified Spontaneous Emission
  Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
  Neodymium- and Ytterbium-Doped Amplifiers
  High-Power Fiber Amplifiers
  Gain Efficiency
  Gain Saturation
  Continuous-Wave Fiber Lasers
  High-Power Lasers vs. MOPAs
  Upconversion Fiber Lasers
  Pulsed Fiber Lasers
  Mode-Locked Fiber Lasers
Equation Summary





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