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Field Guide to Optical Thin Films
商品コード: 9780819462183

Field Guide to Optical Thin Films

販売価格(税込) 4,830 円
ポイント: 48 Pt
個  数


Ronald R. Willey
118pages Spiral Bound


日本語版 フィールドガイド 光学薄膜

This Guide covers the principles and applications of various useful graphical tools and methods for optical coating design, including the reflectance diagram, admittance diagram, and triangle diagram. These tools give insight into how optical coatings function and how they might be designed to meet given requirements. Shown are how unavailable indices can be approximated, the basis of ideal antireflection coating design, and the practical approximation of inhomogeneous index profiles.  

Sample Pages(PDF)

Fundamentals of Thin Film Optics
  Optical Basic Concepts
  Internal Angles in Thin Films
  Example Reflection Calculations
  Graphics for Visualization of Coating Behavior
  Reflectance as Vector Addition
  Reflectance Amplitude Diagram
  Admittance Diagram
  Electric Field in a Coating
  Admittance versus Reflectance Amplitude Diagrams
  Triangle Diagram
Behavior of Some Simple AR Coating Types
  Single-Layer Antireflection Coating
  Two-Layer AR Amplitude Diagram Example
  Wavelength Effects
  Broad-Band AR Coating
  Two V-Coat Possibilities
Index of Refraction Simulations and Approximations
  Effective Index of Refraction
  Complex Effective Index Plot
  Simulating One Index With Two Others
  Herpin Equivalent Layers
  Approximations of One Index with Others
The QWOT Stack, a Coating Building Block
  QWOT Stack Reflectors
  QWOT Stack Properties
  Width of the Block Band
  Applications of the QWOT Stack
  Absentee Layer
  Narrow Band Pass Filter
  Optical Density and Decibels (db)
  NBP Filter Design
  Multiple-Cavity NBP
  Rabbit Ears
Coatings at Non-Normal Angles of Incidence
  Polarization Effects
  Wavelength Shift with Angle of Incidence
  Angle of Incidence Effects in Coatings
  Polarizing Beamsplitters
  Polarization as Viewed in Circle Diagrams
  Non-Polarizing Beamsplitters in General
  A Non-Polarizing Beamsplitter Design Procedure
  Non-Polarizing BS?s Found & Rules-of-Thumb
Coatings with Absorption
  Various Metals on Triangle Diagrams
  Chromium Metal Details
  A Design Example Using Chromium
  Potential Transmittance
Understanding Behavior and Estimating a Coating's Potential
  Estimating What Can Be Done Before Designing
  Effects of Last Layer Index on BBAR Coatings
  Effects of Index Difference (H-L) on BBAR Coatings
  Bandwidth Effects on BBAR Coatings
  Bandwidth Effects Background
  Estimating the Rave of a BBAR
  Estimating the Minimum Number of Layers in a BBAR
  Bandpass and Blocker Coatings
  Mirror Estimating Example Using ODBWP
  Estimating Edge Steepness in Bandpass Filters
  Estimating Bandwidths of Narrow Bandpass Filters
  Blocking Bands at Higher Harmonics of a QWOT Stack
Insight Gained from Hypothetical Cases
  ?Step-Down? Index of Refraction AR Coatings
  Too Much Overall Thickness in a Design
  Inhomogeneous Index of Refraction Designs
Possibility of Synthesizing Designs
  Fourier Concepts
  Fourier Background
  Fourier Examples
  Fourier Limitations
Designing Various Types of Coatings
  Designing a New Coating
  Designing BBAR Coatings
  Tails in BBAR Coatings
  Designing Edge Filters, High Reflectors, Polarizing and Non-Polarizing Beamsplitters
  Designing Beamsplitters in General
  Designing to a Spectral Shape & Computer Optimization
  Performance Goals and Weightings
  Global vs. Local Minima
  Some Optimizing Concepts
  Damped Least Squares Optimization
  Needle Optimization
  Flip-Flop Optimization
  Equation Summary





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