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Field Guide to Atmospheric Optics
商品コード: 9780819453181

Field Guide to Atmospheric Optics

販売価格(税込) 4,830 円
ポイント: 48 Pt
個  数


Larry C. Andrews
112pages Spiral Bound


日本語版 フィールドガイド 大気光学

The material in this Field Guide is a condensed version of similar material found in two textbooks: 'Laser Beam Propagation through Random Media' (SPIE Volume PM53) and 'Laser Beam Scintillation with Applications' (SPIE Volume PM99). Topics chosen for this concise presentation include a review of classical Kolmogorov turbulence theory, Gaussian-beam waves in free space, and atmospheric effects on a propagating optical wave. These atmospheric effects have great importance in a variety of applications like imaging, free space optical communications, laser radar, and remote sensing. This Guide presents tractable mathematical models from which the practitioner can readily determine beam spreading, beam wander, spatial coherence radius (Fried's parameter), angle of arrival fluctuations, scintillation, aperture averaging effects, fade probabilities, bit error-rates, and enhanced backscatter effects, among others.  

Sample Pages(PDF)

Glossary of Symbols
Atmospheric Structure
  Atmospheric Structure with Altitude
  Absorption and Scattering
  Transmittance, Optical Depth, and Visibility
  Meteorological Phenomena
Kolmogorov Theory of Turbulence
  Classical Turbulence
  Velocity Fluctuations
  Temperature Fluctuations
  Optical Turbulence
  Structure Parameter and Inner Scale
  Cn2 Profile Models
  Power Spectrum Models
  Optical Wave Models
  Paraxial Wave Equation
  Plane Wave and Spherical Wave Models
  Gaussian-beam Wave at Transmitter
  Gaussian-beam Wave at Receiver
  Hermite-Gaussian Beam Wave
  Laguerre-Gaussian Beam Wave
  Atmospheric Propagation: Second-order Statistics
  Rytov Approximation
  Extended Huygens-Fresnel Principle
  Parabolic Equation Method
  Mean Irradiance and Beam Spreading
  Beam Wander
  Spatial Coherence Radius: Plane Wave
  Spatial Coherence Radius: Spherical Wave
  Spatial Coherence Radius: Gaussian-Beam Wave
  Fried's Parameter and the Phase Structure Function
  Angle of Arrival and Image Jitter
Atmospheric Propagation: Fourth-order Statistics
  Rytov Approximation: Fourth-order Specializations
  Scintillation Index: Theory
  Scintillation Index: Plane Wave
  Scintillation Index: Spherical Wave
  Scintillation Index: Gaussian-beam Wave
  Covariance Function: Plane Wave
  Temporal Power Spectrum: Plane Wave
  Aperture Averaging: Plane Wave
  Aperture Averaging: Spherical Wave
Imaging Systems and Adaptive Optics
  Fried's Atmospheric Parameter and Greenwood's Time Constant
  Point Spread Function and Modulation Transfer Function
  Spatial Resolution
  Strehl Ratio and Image Resolving Power
  Isoplanatic Angle and Point-ahead Angle
  Zernike Polynomials and Wave Front Representation
  Zernike Polynomials for Atmospheric Imaging
  Modal Expansion and Aperture Filter Functions
  Zernike Tilt, Piston, and Angle-of-Arrival Jitter
Free Space Optical Communication Systems
  Direct Detection System
  Threshold Detection
  Signal-to-noise Ratio: Direct Detection
  Bit Error-rate
  Coherent Detection System
  Signal-to-noise Ratio: Coherent Detection
  Probability of Fade: Lognormal Model
  Probability of Fade: Gamma-Gamma Model
  Lasersatcom: Mean Irradiance and Beam Spreading
  Lasersatcom: Uplink Scintillation under Weak Fluctuations
  Lasersatcom: Downlink Scintillation under Weak Fluctuations
  Lasersatcom: General Theory for Uplink/Downlink Scintillation
  Lasersatcom: General Theory for Downlink Covariance and Correlation
Laser Radar and Optical Remote Sensing
  Basic Radar Principles
  Statistical Characteristics of Echo Beam
  Enhanced Backscatter: Spherical Wave
  Enhanced Backscatter: Gaussian-beam Wave
  Spatial Coherence
  Scintillation Index: Spherical Wave and Point Target
  Scintillation Index: Gaussian-beam Wave and Point Target
  Scintillation Index: Smooth Target
  Scintillation Index: Diffuse Target I
  Scintillation Index: Diffuse Target II
  Equation Summary





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